Granville Post Office WPA Mural - 1938

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Small Addition Multiplies

Long evenings, borrowed from morning
(thank you, FDR),
so the kids are blowing bubbles in the drive.
They love the simple energy,
to blow, to pop,
their glistening moment to be alive.
My mix is simple, water, soap;
some drops of glycerin.
It seems a magic potion to the children watching on.
Bathtub bubbles all they know,
and sometimes bubblegum,
but these take flight and seem to float 'til dawn.
Yeast in pizza dough, food drive brown bags,
glycerin in the mix,
are all small ways the boy now learns;
that the tiniest ingredient
transforms the whole
just as atoms' action are why the bright sun burns.

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