Granville Post Office WPA Mural - 1938

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fri., Mar. 13

There's two months in a row
with Friday the Thirteenth.
That can only happen in February and March, right?
That's what he asks me, and of course,
I say "That's right."
So it doesn't happen very often?
His awareness of dates and numbers
pushes out before my eyes,
expanding to years and decades,
and more.
Good luck, bad luck, a lifespan, beyond.
He asks about the solstice and moon,
then about plaintiffs and defendants.
The subject has changed, but it hasn't,
because it's about that horizon
of known and unknown, and standing on that edge.
Then he asks "So this is kind of a lucky day, right?"
That's right. That's right.

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