Granville Post Office WPA Mural - 1938

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fri., Apr. 10

There are more crosses each year
to carry up the hill
they come out into the open
being carried all the months before
without finding expression in wood and nails.
The fact of the heavy, central cross
the knowledge it will be brought out
and carried through the streets,
put up on display, sung around
as its story is told --
frees up the choice to hammer out
other crosses into sight and life,
to scrabble together scrap wood
or roughened timbers
as you pull the raw materials out
of your aching, bleeding days
and boldly intersect your sorrow
and your hope, shouldering
that weight out in front of all,
whether friendly fellow burden bearers,
or mystified onlookers, the sort
you've carried your cross past
for so long.
More crosses, unexpected, unplanned,
but multiplying into visibility
so we all can think about the many crosses
not yet seen, but no less carried,
up hills like this
and along longer roads
than even Broadway or Main.

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